What’s so good about Fennel?
Vitamin C perhaps? Fibre, Potassium? Eating fennel supports many unseen ailments but the most important thing is that you enjoy eating it, as it is, an acquired taste, of a vegetable.
Well, I had to make something.
A nutritious Fig, Fennel and Wild Rice Salad.
I travelled abroad to a distant land, happens I had some figs in my hand. It wasn’t quite, the texture I’m used to, nor was the sea, the sky or the dunes, but that one fig opened me up to try new things and now my local market, stocks many things. I won’t say I love them, I will say I tried, now my taste buds for difference has somewhat transpired.
A nutritious Fennel, Fig and Wild Rice salad.
A refreshing summer salad that consists of all the ingredients mentioned above, as well as spring onions, garlic, lemon juice chilli flakes, salt, pepper, pomegranate and honey.
My endeavour to love the Endive.
It was easy, to be honest. This is a delicious vegetable which I use often in salads. It has a wide range of benefits, especially for adults. Children will love this too as part of learning and tasting different foods.
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